Sunday, September 21, 2008

M-0002 - Wall Clock Series

Brazilian cherry, western cedar, quarter sawn oak heartwood, soft maple, yellowood. Black maple perflings outlining different woods. Next up, finishing.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Checkerboard Clock

Checkerboard pattern with Brazilian Cherry, Quartersawn White Oak, and Yellowood. Glued and clamped. After 2 rounds clear filler and some sanding. Natural maple purflings added, and first coat of nitrocellulose.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

M-0001 - Wall Clock Series

Spanish (Red) Oak with black maple perflings. Quartz movement - AA batteries. Soon to get multiple coats of nitrocellulose.

Top two pics, with 2 coats of nitrocellulose.