Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Primeval Rock Creek

So I've noticed a recurring sight in the park - fallen trees with rocky mounds or piles around the base the trunk. Almost like the fallen tree caused the localized earthquake, propelling craggy rocks to the surface

Another weird recurring sight - along the path there was a large pile of shattered clay or porcelain maybe. Odd place to dump an porcelain sink or tub.

Bizarre little scene I stumbled upon. The shovel blade was resting against the tree as it is, no manipulation. I couldn't help but think that this could be some shallow grave or some such nefarious meaning.

Further contributing to the series of odd vignettes I saw today - about a carton's worth of Marlboro reds, mostly smoked but some unsmoked, stroon across about a total of 10 square feet of a footpath. This can only suggest to me that somebody spent a long, long time in this little clearing along a the footpath.

More jacks....

You could say this is bifurcated or more accurately, trifurcated with a conjoined pair.




teardrop shaped spiders web.


These photos were taken on a short hike in the middle branch of Rock Creek Park. The walk away from the horse trail brought me to many bizarre, unseemly and stunning scenes. In fact, one could hypothesize generally on the activities that produced a couple hundred jacks and a creepy, rusted shovel head. Maybe its just me, but it sure looks like some disturbing moments in one or more peoples lives took place off the horse shit laden main path.

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