Friday, June 19, 2009


This piece has been ongoing for almost a year, delayed by a conundrum over how to finish it. Problem solved with multi-color (gray, white, blue) fleck, imitation marble spray paint. Going with a kind of industrial color scheme dawned on me after several comments that from others that it reminded them of a city. And in a fit of city planning, I originally based this piece on a mathematical/aesthetic idea to combine the Golden Ratio with the Fibonnaci sequence, and represent that relationship through a series of dowels; each dowels height is based on the proportions arrived at when mapping a Fibonnaci spiral floor plan to the sequence of progressively, and in Golden proportion, dowels that both in height and quantity add up to a Fibonnaci sequence.

Two quantities are in the golden ratio if between the sum of those quantities and the larger one is the same as the ratio between the larger one and the smaller...roughly enumerated as 1.6180339887, aka "phi." The Golden Ratio is used in and related to Fibonnaci numbers and sequences.

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