Monday, June 15, 2009

gorge walk

looking into the gorge from the stewart avenue bridge.

I took the side path that ran parallel with the gorge, some interesting sights but nothing compared to the gorge/creek floor.

yeah i know, a lot of water pics, but look closely, on each one i left the aperture open for different amounts of time....more time open, more misty/foggy/haze you see in the water, basically think frosting

cairn/inukshuk in the middle of the creek....more further down....

this crazy black walnut tree was growing straight out of the limestone, about 60 feet above the creek bed. tight.

watch your step

if you look closely, you can see the drops of water suspended mid-air

wet and wild steps

seeing that tudor crib up there gives you a sense for the scale

these 3 pics of a really crazy geologic formation of slate, being worn away by various trickles of water. also, demonstrable proof that i should have brought a tripod.

this was the biggest of the waterfalls I saw, but I think there are bigger waterfalls further along

a group of wee cairns/inukshuks....

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