Rough fit for the LED's, but you get the idea. Oh yeah, went with the red LED's, they have lower forward voltage demands, thus require less battery power than those gaudy white LED's.
4 red LED's, in series, 9V supply, SPST switch, 2x 47ohm resistors.
Grain filler, coat the first. I'm gonna do two coats of grain filler, sanding with some 320grit wet sand paper. The grain filler really does make the grain pop out, especially with the rosewood.
Settled on a design, drilled 4 holes at the 12, 3, 6, and 9 positions relative to the center. At each of those "cardinal clock numbers" (I just made that term up, but it sounds sensible, right?) I am installing White LED's in some nifty chrome LED mounts; thus making time telling easy and telling time with jazz hands.
Rosewood and quarter cut oak. I tried different approach this time, by way of using a thin sheet of mdf as back to this pattern. I've got to add a frame around the perimeter, mostly likely I'll use rosewood, and off set it by 1/8" or so to give clearance for the pendulum. I'm thinking of using some old timey bead trim to bring out the pattern some, but that will have to wait until this is dried, drilled and sanded.
On a sidenote, I kinda see now that this pattern is reminiscent of an American flag, but is really based on this ubiquitous image seared into our frontal lobes:
I am in the midst of laying out a exact replica of color bars in assorted African and Asian hardwoods...stay tuned
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